Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 05 Feb 1997 19:52:09 +0100
From: Ruben Cassar 
Subject: Shampoo 's hair part 3

==Miyu= said:

To Miyu: No it's blue!
To Jason : No it's purple!
                        Ruben Cassar's Anime Page
              Vote for your favourite Ranma 1/2 character at
  Member of Akane's Dojo and Knight of the True Fiancee -> Akane Tendo


Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 05 Feb 1997 20:06:47 +0100
From: Ruben Cassar 
Subject: Shampoo 's hair part 4

Kun-chan said:

I have seen both NTSC and PAL, but 95% of what I have seen is in PAL.
Now I must check on this one for you Jason, but I think that in the PAL
version Shampoo's hair is purple/violet and not blue. I am not kidding
this time. In a couple of episodes it was pale blue. Very pale. Example
when Cologne appeared in the TV series for the first time and attacked
Ranma while she was going around him in circles or something. 
                        Ruben Cassar's Anime Page
              Vote for your favourite Ranma 1/2 character at
  Member of Akane's Dojo and Knight of the True Fiancee -> Akane Tendo


Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 05 Feb 1997 20:13:47 +0100
From: Ruben Cassar 
Subject: Shampoo 's hair part 5 ... I think

Shouryu Nohe said:

And I tell you again that I need proof to believe. When did Rumiko
Takahashi say that Shampoo's hair was purple???
                        Ruben Cassar's Anime Page
              Vote for your favourite Ranma 1/2 character at
  Member of Akane's Dojo and Knight of the True Fiancee -> Akane Tendo


Message-ID: <01BC13BB.2AFD80C0@jdh>
From: Jason Hicks 
To: "'Ranma ML'" 
Subject: BAD Baka!! Bad!
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 23:16:12 -0600
Reply-To: ranma

Uodnet (^_^) wrote:

>> > It's teal! :P
>> WHAP!  WHAP!  WHAP!  WHAP!  ;)
>Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! :P
>Yep! It's definately TEAL!!!!!

        <*While Enaka isn't looking, Jason and Jamie and the rest of the Shampoo faction
          jump him, tie him up, and spray paint him a bright Shampoo Blue*>

        Take that! It's BLUE!!! NOT TEAL!!!!

>20 days and counting...

        Ummm...Until what, exactly? (Though I think I know...)
Jason Hicks


Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 11:42:54 +1100 (EDT)
From: Caroline Seawright 
Subject: Shampoo's hair and NTSC
Reply-To: ranma

> >This means that you have to watch the video in PAL to see the exact hair
> >colour - and only if you do that, can you state that "Shampoo's hair
> >colour is !" ... Because on NTSC, you can only say that "Shampoo's
> >hair colour, on my video, seems to be  right now."
> >
> >And if you have SeaCam, don't bother. ;p
> All right! I think we've heard enough outta you! ^_^
> Geez! Trying to confuse people even further...

*grin* Well, it's quite easy to do ... ^_~

> >This means that you have to watch the video in PAL to see the exact hair
> >colour - and only if you do that, can you state that "Shampoo's hair
> >colour is !" ... Because on NTSC, you can only say that 
> >"Shampoo's hair colour, on my video, seems to be  right now."
> Darn, I forgot about that. 2 years of doing morning announcements and I
> forgot. This would probbaly also apply to anybody arguing purple. Guess

How could you forget something so importaint like that?!

> that means the only way to settle this is to get a cell and take it to
> the Depot! Or get an original film negative.  I still say it's blue. I've
> seen the cells at AX96.

Well, I've got a cel of Kunou, but I don't think that that will help to
decide ... Oh, well, time to pull out the Memorial Book...

> I vote for blue.  Based on RT's watercolor.  Enjoyed Kun-Chans 
> explanation about the NTSC and PAL.

Thanks. ^_^

> >Now, if you want to argue about colours, you can't argue if you've only
> >seen the videos in NTSC. You have to have a standard like PAL.
> Ok, I'm looking at the color pictures in the Ranma 1/2 Memorial Book.
> In the full-page picture of Shampoo on the fold-out, her hair appears to be
> a slate-blue (rather like a blue-gray).

Yep ... looks a greyish-bluish-purple to me ...

> In a number of other pictures where she's in the background, it sometimes
> appears as a similar blue but a bit more saturated with blue.
> *But*  there are still other group shots where her hair looks purple or pink.
> I think it's partly just stylistic tricks with coloring, similar to
> photographs with different light; Shampoo isn't the only one whose apparent
> hair color varies here...

Since I haven't got anything else better to do right now, I may as well
look through the book at the pictures and see the colour...

On the inside of the foldout:

Shampoo has blue hair.

pg. 44 - blue hair with aquamarineish highlights.

pg. 46 - purplish-violet hair with magenta highlights.

pg. 47 - violet hair.

pg. 48 - pink hair with white highlights.

pg. 52 - blue hair with light blue highlights.

pg. 53 - pink hair with white highlights.

pg. 54 - purplish-violet hair with violet highlights.

pg. 55 - purple hair with white highlights. (bottom corner)
         pastel purplish-grey hair (top corner)

pg. 57 - pinkish-magenta hair with white highlights.

pg. 58 - purplish-violet hair with magenta highlights.

pg. 80 - almost navy-blue hair with light blue highlights.

pg 110 - blue hair with very light tinges of purple with light blue

pg 110 - dark blue hair with light blue highlights.

pg 112 - electrib blue with lighter blue highlights.

pg 113 - magenta hair with deep pink highlights.

pg 116 - deep bluish-grey (almost black in parts) with light blue

pg 117 - sky blue (painted to look like the sky with clouds).

Front Cover - Dark electric blue with light blue highlights.

(And in all of them, Ryouga has _black_ hair, not brown!)



Message-ID: <01BC1512.BDF25060@jdh>
From: Jason Hicks 
To: "'Ranma ML'" 
Subject: Hair and Lambada
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 16:07:35 -0600
Reply-To: ranma

Chaz wrote:

>Wow, we had this hair color string two years ago...  Anyway, almost every
>male character in the series, except Daisuke, has black hair.  In fact, just
>about everyone has black hair except for onna-Ranma (red), Shampoo (blue),
>Ukyo (brown), Herb (pinkish).  Everyone else is _black_, just _black_.

        Well, I'm glad to see you're agreeing that Shampoo's hair is BLUE!


Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 08 Feb 1997 11:40:33 -0800
From: Don Wang 
Reply-To: Don Wang 
Subject: Shampoo and Akane 

> And don't get smart about Shampoo's hair! ^_^
        I always thought it's purple or black, depending on whether it is anime
or manga.


"Truly if there is a God of Destiny, he is fond of plot twists", Ghaleon
Check out my homepage at
Or Akane's Dojo


Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 16:03:44 -0500 (EST)
From: Jeremy Lopett 
Subject: ok, lets stop with the hair color thing
Reply-To: ranma

I think we've discussed just about everyone's hair color.  So now I think
we can stop.  It's not like anything anyone says is going to change
anyone's mind, anyway.  (What color is Ranma's hair?? Look at the side of
your japanese volumes and you'll see about 25 differnet colors.)

Founder of the school of 'Gosunkugi and Ukyou'
Founder of The Ranma 1/2 minor character ring.
Strong believer in the Mint and LinLin matchup!!
Also in a Konatsu and Rouge matchup.


Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 08 Feb 1997 22:34:38 +0100
From: Ruben Cassar 
Subject: Shampoo 's hair

Jason answering a comment by Don:
<<>I always thought it's purple or black, depending on whether it is
anime or manga.<
You're wrong, Don. In the anime, it's BLUE.>>

I don't know wether Shampoo's hair is blue or purple, but it definetely
is not black...
                        Ruben Cassar's Anime Page
              Vote for your favourite Ranma 1/2 character at
  Member of Akane's Dojo and Knight of the True Fiancee -> Akane Tendo


Message-ID: <>
Date: Sat, 08 Feb 1997 16:52:02 -0500
From: ==Miyu== 
Subject: Shampoo's hair

Hicksy wrote :

>You're wrong, Don. In the anime, it's BLUE.

Well, according to Don, anime doesn't count.  So :P; it's PURPLE. 
Actually, more like a bluish-purple, but it's NOT totally blue.

(AKA Olu-chan)

OLA Wielder of the Holy Quad-Powered Super Nailgun and Larva fire

"You've made your choice then."
"NOT REMOTELY!!" for Final Fantasy related threads


Message-Id: <>
Date: Sat, 08 Feb 1997 21:02:19 -0800
From: Jamie Kahler 
Subject: Kali95, Jason, frustration, haircolor
Reply-To: ranma

4. SHAMPOO HAS BLUE HAIR! Photoshop sez so. I took a vidcap from a PAL
tape, crystal clear, and used that lighing effect that makes certain colors
look 3D [bumpy, as the case may be]. I turned it on blue, and it took 20
minutes to process! And, I am well aware that it takes red and blue to make
purple, but I tried a red light filter and it didn't work. HAHAHAHA!

Oh, by the way....1. Thanks again, Kunou, 2. Jaymz....about my opinion on
you: one word. Cool. :) Violent, yes, but I like violent. You aren't afraid
to express your feelings, and that I appreciate.

Shampoo [yes, my sig got fried]-who loves Rowan Atkinson's new comedy "The
thin blue line".


essage-Id: <>
From: "Seth Indermill" 
To: "Ranma ML" 
Subject: Hair Color
Date: Sun, 9 Feb 1997 02:20:55 -0600
Reply-To: ranma

Jason penned:
>       You're wrong, Don. In the anime, it's BLUE.

Jason, can you ever accept the fact that Shampoo's hair is sometimes blue
and somtimes purple in the anime.  Akane's hair is drawn as a true dark
blue sometimes and there a few instances of Ryoga having brown hair for
awhile.  Coming off of a 17 hour Ranma-thon I have documented, with my
friends, every instance of Shampoo having blue, purple, or pale purple
hair.  The definate purple category had the most entries, sorry.  
   The obsession of man can not make a reed bend nor can it kill the sun.

@*  True Believer of the Ukyo/Me match 
@)   Believer that Shampoo actually has many wigs
@*   Future Mercenary Terrorist
@)    "Hhhaaaahaa, MY PANTIES!!" -Happosai

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